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Northrop Grumman and the Navy at odds?

by Craig Hooper on March 8, 2010

Is the Navy having some problems getting along with shipbuilder Northrop Grumman? Defense media overlooked some stern words–and a hand-carried letter–Congressman Gene Taylor (D-MS) delivered to SECNAV Mabus after a February 24 hearing on the Navy’s FY 2011 National Defense Authorization Budget Request. Here’s a rough transcript–of what sounds somewhat like an ultimatum: “…Secretary Mabus, […]

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CNO's rhetoric meets reality:

by Craig Hooper on February 18, 2010

Given the ongoing troubles with USS New York (LPD 21),  CNO Admiral Gary Roughead’s November 7, 2009 speech at LPD-21’s commissioning ceremony is rather distressing.  Here’s the relevant snippet: “…The ship across the way is now ready to serve our great nation; ready to sail in cialis soft price harms way on any point on […]

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Mulling the LCS down-select:

by Craig Hooper on February 12, 2010

As the Littoral Combat Ship program faces an abrupt down-select to a single hull, the Navy must brace for some nasty litigation. The spurned party–either Lockheed or General Dynamics–will be poised to contest the selection process. With little in the way of “real world” operational data available, advocates of either platform will have ample grounds to poke holes in the […]

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LPD-17 Fiasco: What happened to LPD-19?

by Craig Hooper on January 26, 2010

Notice how stories detailing the LPD-17 powerplant “crisis” focus on LPD-17, 18 and 21?   Notice how the reporting, in passing, note that LPD-19 and 20 encountered similar engine problems, but, after maintenance, both seem to have dodged a bullet?  Well, not so fast…it looks like the USS MESA VERDE (LPD-19) had substantive powerplant issues before her shock trials (back in August-September 2008)–USS MESA VERDE suffered a “catastrophic” mishap even […]

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